Joy Crisp

Bristow, T.F., A.C. McAdam, V.K. Fox, K.A. Bennett, E.B. Rampe, A.S. Yen, A.R. Vasavada, D.T. Vaniman, V. Tu, A.H. Treiman, M.T. Thorpe, M. Salvatore, S.M. Morrison, R.V. Morris, D.W. Ming, C.A. Malespin, P.R. Mahaffy, R.M. Hazen, J.P. Grotzinger, R.T. Downs, G.W. Downs, D.J. Des Marais, J.A. Crisp, P.I. Craig, S.J. Chipera, N. Castle, D.F. Blake, and C.N. Achilles, 2019, Clay minerals of the clay-bearing unit, Mount Sharp, Gale crater, Mars, abstract #2647, 50th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bristow, T.F., E.B. Rampe, J.P. Grotzinger, V.K. Fox, K.A. Bennett, A.S. Yen, A.R. Vasavada, D.T. Vaniman, V. Tu, A.H. Treiman, M.T. Thorpe, S.M. Morrison, R.V. Morris, D.W. Ming, A.C. McAdam, C. Malespin, P.R. Mahaffy, R.M. Hazen, S. Gupta, R.T. Downs, G.W. Downs, D.J. Des Marais, J.A. Crisp, P.I. Craig, S.J. Chipera, N. Castle, D.F. Blake, and C.N. Achilles, 2019, Clay minerals of Glen Torridon, Mount Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #6390, Ninth International Conference on Mars.

Achilles, C.N., G.W. Downs, R.T. Downs, R.V. Morris, E.B. Rampe, D.W. Ming, S.J. Chipera, D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, T.F. Bristow, A.S. Yen, S.M. Morrison, A.H. Treiman, P.I. Craig, R.M. Hazen, V.M. Tu, and N. Castle, 2018, Amorphous phase characterization through X-ray diffraction profile modeling: Implications for amorphouse phases in Gale crater rocks and soils, abstract #2661, 49th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bristow, E.B. Rampe, C. Achilles, D.F. Blake, N.R. Castle, S. Chipera, P. Craig, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, G. Downs, R.T. Downs, A. Fraeman, J.P. Grotzinger, R.M. Hazen, J.R. Johnson, C.H. House, P.R. Mahaffy, C. Malespin, A. McAdam, D.W. Ming, J. Morookian, R.V. Morris, S.M. Morrison, V. Tu, D. Vaniman, A.R. Vasavada, A. Yen, and the MSL Science Team, 2018, The mineralogical record of redox at Gale crater, Fall AGU 2018.
Slavney, S., R.E. Arvidson, and J.A. Crisp, 2018, Converting PDS3 science archives from active planetary missions to PDS4, abstract #1508, 49th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.

Achilles, C., R. Downs, D. Blake, D. Vaniman, D. Ming, E. Rampe, D. Morris, S. Morrison, A. Treiman, S. Chipera, A. Yen, T. Bristow, P. Craig, R. Hazen, J. Crisp, J. Grotzinger, D. Des Marais, J. Farmer, P. Sarrazin, and J.M. Morookian, 2017, Mineralogy of rocks and sediments at Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #EGU2017-10808, EGU General Assembly, 2017.
Bristow, T.F., D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, S.J. Chipera, E.B. Rampe, J.P. Grotzinger, A.C. McAdam, D.W. Ming, S.M. Morrison, A.S. Yen, R.V. Morris, R.T. Downs, A.H. Treiman, C.N. Achilles, D.J. DesMarais, J.M. Morookian, J.A. Crisp, R.M. Hazen, and J.D. Farmer, 2017, Surveying clay mineral diversity in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #2462, 48th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Vaniman, D.T., G.M. Martínez, E.B. Rampe, T.F. Bristow, D.F. Blake, A.H. Yen, D.W. Ming, W. Rapin, P.-Y. Meslin, J.M. Morookian, R.T. Downs, S.J. Chipera, R.V. Morris, S.M. Morrison, A.H. Treiman, C.N. Achilles, J.P. Grotzinger, R.M. Hazen, and J.A. Crisp, 2017, Calcium sulfates at Gale Crater and limitations on gypsum stability, abstract #1661, 48th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Webster, C.R., P.R. Mahaffy, S.K. Atreya, G. Flesch, C. Malespin, C. McKay, G. Martinez, J. Moores, C.L. Smith, F. J. Martin-Torres, J. Gomez-Elvira, M.-P. Zorzano, M.H. Wong, M.G. Trainer, J.L. Eigenbrode, D.P. Glavin, A. Steele, D. Archer Jr., B. Sutter, P.J. Coll, C. Freissinet, P.-Y. Meslin, A. Pavlov, D. Keymeulen, L.E. Christensen, R.V. Gough, S.P. Schwenzer, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, J. Pla-Garcia, S.C.R. Rafkin, A. Vicente-Retortillo, H. Kahanpää, D. Viudez-Moreiras, M.D. Smith, A.-M. Harri, M. Genzer, D. Hassler, M.T. Lemmon, J.A. Crisp, R.W. Zurek, and A.R. Vasavada, 2017, Mars methane at Gale Crater shows strong seasonal cycle: Updated results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity abstract #P33F-07, Fall AGU 2017.

Achilles, C.N., R.T. Downs, D.T. Vaniman, A.S. Yen, D.F. Blake, R.V. Morris, D.W. Ming, E.B. Rampe, S.M. Morrison, T.F. Bristow, S.J. Chipera, B.L. Ehlmann, M.G.A. Lapotre, K.S. Edgett, R. Gellert, A.H. Treiman, K.V. Fendrich, P.C. Sarrazin, P.I. Craig, J.A. Crisp, J.P. Grotzinger, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, and J.M. Morookian, 2016, Mineralogy of eolian sands at Gale Crater, Mars, Goldschmidt 2016.
Achilles, C.N., D.T. Vaniman, D.F. Blake, T.F. Bristow, E.B. Rampe, D.W. Ming, S.J. Chipera, R.V. Morris, S.M. Morrison, R.T. Downs, K.V. Fendrich, B.L. Ehlmann, A.S. Yen, P.C. Sarrazin, A.H. Treiman, P.I. Craig, M.G.A. Lapotre, K.S. Edgett, R. Gellert, J.A. Crisp, J.M. Morookian, J.P. Grotzinger, D.J. Des Marais, and J.D. Farmer, 2016, Mineralogy of eolian sands at Gale crater, abstract #2532, 47th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Gupta, S., A. Vasavada, J. Crisp, and J. Grotzinger, 2016, Curiosity explores the base of Aeolis Mons, Gale crater, Mars: Recent geological and geochemical mission results, abstract #EGU2016-13884, EGU General Assembly 2016.
Morris, R.V., D.T. Vaniman, D.F. Blake, R. Gellert, S.J. Chipera, E.B. Rampe, D.W. Ming, S.M. Morrison, R.T. Downs, A.H. Treiman, A.S. Yen, C.N. Achilles, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, K.V. Fendrich, J. Frydenvang, T.G. Graff, J.P. Grotzinger, J.M. Morookian, S.P. Schwenzer, and the MSL Science Team, 2016, High-temperature, perhaps silicic, volcanism on Mars evidenced by tridymite detection in high-SiO2 sedimentary rock at Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #2581, 47th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Morrison, S.M., R.T. Downs, D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, D.W. Ming, E.B. Rampe, T.F. Bristow, S.J. Chipera, A.S. Yen, R.V. Morris, A.H. Treiman, P.C. Sarrazin, C.N. Achilles, K.V. Fendrich, J.M. Morookian, J.A. Crisp, J.D. Farmer, D.J. Des Marais, and P.I. Craig, 2016, Improving the accuracy of unit-cell parameters obtained from the CheMin instrument on Mars through an internally calibrated sample cell offset, Goldschmidt 2016.
Rampe, E.B., D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, D.F. Blake, T.F. Bristow, S.J. Chipera, D.T. Vaniman, A.S. Yen, J.P. Grotzinger, R.T. Downs, S.M. Morrison, T. Peretyazhko, C.N. Achilles, D.L. Bish, P.D. Cavanagh, P.I. Craig, J.A. Crisp, A.G. Fairén, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, K.V. Fendrich, J.M. Morookian, and A.H. Treiman, 2016, Diagenesis in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #2543, 47th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Wiens, R.C., N. Mangold, S. Maurice, O. Gasnault, S. Clegg, D. Blaney, P. Gasda, J. Frydenvang, O. Forni, A. Cousin, J. Lasue, N. Lanza, R.B. Anderson, V. Sautter, J. Bridges, L. LeDeit, M. Nachon, W. Rapin, P.-Y. Meslin, H. Newsom, B. Clark, D. Vaniman, N. Bridges, K. Herkenhoff, B. Ehlmann, M.D. Dyar, M. Fisk, R. Francis, R. Leveille, J.R. Johnson, N. Melikechi, R. Jackson, C. Fabre, V. Payre, J.P. Grozinger, A.R. Vasavada, and J. Crisp, 2016, Major-element compositions seen by ChemCam along the Curiosity rover traverse: The first 8,000 observations, abstract #1336, 47th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Yen, A.S., D.F. Blake, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, R. Gellert, B. Clark, D.T. Vaniman, S.J. Chipera, L.M. Thompson, T.F. Bristow, E.B. Rampe, and J.A. Crisp, 2016, Cementation and aqueous alteration of a sandstone unit under acidic conditions in Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #1649, 47th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.

Cavanagh, P.D., D.L. Bish, D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, R.V. Morris, D.W. Ming, E.B. Rampe, C.N. Achilles, S.J. Chipera, A.H. Treiman, R.T. Downs, S.M. Morrison, K.V. Fendrich, A.S. Yen, J. Grotzinger, J.A. Crisp, T.F. Bristow, P.C. Sarrazin, J.D. Farmer, D.J. Des Marais, E.M. Stolper, J.M. Morookian, M.A. Wilson, N. Spanovich, R.C. Anderson, and the MSL Science Team, 2015, Confidence Hills mineralogy and CheMin results from Pahrump Hills, Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #2735, 46th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Farmer, J., D.L. Bish, D.F. Blake, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, D.T. Vaniman, C.N. Achilles, R.C. Anderson, T.F. Bristow, P.D. Cavanagh, S.J. Chipera, J.A. Crisp, R.T. Downs, D.J. Des Marais, K.V. Fendrich, J. Grotzinger, J.M. Morookian, S.M. Morrison, E.B. Rampe, A.H. Treiman, P.C. Sarrazin, N. Spanovich, E.M. Stolper, and A.S. Yen, 2015, Iron and sulfur mineralogy of Gale Crater sediments signals changes in habitable conditions during diagenesis, abstract #7267, AbSciCon 2015.
Fendrich, K., E. Rampe, D. Vaniman, D. Bish, D. Blake, A. Treiman, D. Ming, R. Morris, T. Bristow, P. Cavanagh, R. Downs, S. Morrison, S. Chipera, C. Achilles, J. Farmer, P. Sarrazin, J. Crisp, J.M. Morookian, A. Yen, R. Gellert, and the MSL Science Team, 2015, Curiosity rover's CheMin instrument investigates mineralogy of Gale crater and implications for diagenesis, abstract #EGU2015-7330-4, EGU General Assembly 2015.
Morris, R.V., D.W. Ming, R. Gellert, D.T. Vaniman, D.L. Bish, D.F. Blake, S.J. Chipera, S.M. Morrison, R.T. Downs, E.B. Rampe, A.H. Treiman, A.S. Yen, C.N. Achilles, P.D. Archer, T.F. Bristow, P. Cavanagh, K. Fendrich, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, J.P. Grotzinger, P.R. Mahaffy, A.C. McAdam, J.M. Morookian, and the MSL Science Team, 2015, Update on the chemical composition of crystalline, smectite, and amorphous components for Rocknest soil and John Klein and Cumberland mudstone drill fines at Gale Crater, Mars, abstract #2622, 46th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Morrison, S.M., R.T. Downs, D.F. Blake, D.L. Bish, R.V. Morris, D.T. Vaniman, E.B. Rampe, C.N. Achilles, D.W. Ming, S.J. Chipera, A.H. Treiman, R. Gellert, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, J.M. Morookian, P.C. Sarrazin, J.D. Farmer, A.S. Yen, D.J. Des Marais, J.P. Grotzinger, E.M. Stolper, M.A. Wilson, N. Spanovich, R.C. Anderson, and the MSL team, 2015, Crystal-chemical analysis of martian materials in Gale crater, abstract #2506, 46th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Rampe, E., D. Ming, D. Vaniman, D. Blake, S. Chipera, R. Morris, D. Bish, P. Cavanagh, C. Achilles, T. Bristow, A. Fairen, S. Morrison, A. Treiman, J. Crisp, R. Downs, J. Farmer, K. Fendrich, and J.M. Morookian, 2015, Evidence for acid-sulfate alteration in the Pahrump Hills region, Gale crater, Mars , Fall AGU 2015.
Rampe, E.B., R.V. Morris, D.L. Bish, S.J. Chipera, D.W. Ming, D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, T.F. Bristow, P. Cavanagh, J.D. Farmer, S.M. Morrison, K. Siebach, A.H. Treiman, C.N. Achilles, D. Blaney, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, R.T. Downs, K. Fendrich, J. Martin-Torres, J.M. Morookian, M.-P. Zorzano, P. Sarrazin, N. Spanovich, A.S. Yen, and the MSL Science Team, 2015, Potential cement phases in sedimentary rocks drilled by Curiosity at Gale crater, Mars, abstract #2038, 46th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Wiens, R., N. Mangold, S. Maurice, D. Blaney, S. Clegg, P. Gasda, J. Frydenvang, O. Gasnault, O. Forni, A. Cousin, J. Lasue, N. Lanza, R. Anderson, V. Sautter, J. Bridges, L. Le Deit, M. Nachon, W. Rapin, P.-Y. Meslin, H. Newsom, B. Clark, D. Vaniman, N. Bridges, K. Herkenhoff, B. Ehlmann, M. Dyar, M. Fisk, R. Francis, R. Leveille, J. Johnson, N. Melikechi, R. Jackson, C. Fabre, V. Payré, J. Grotzinger, A. Vasavada, and J. Crisp, 2015, Major-element compositional diversity observed by ChemCam along the MSL traverse: The first three years, Fall AGU 2015.

Grotzinger, J.P., D.F. Blake, J.A. Crisp, K.S. Edgett, R. Gellert, S. Gupta, K.W. Lewis, P.R. Mahaffy, M.C. Malin, H.E. Newsom, T.J. Parker, M.S. Rice, D.M. Rubin, K.L. Siebach, K. Stack, D.Y. Sumner, R.C. Wiens, R.M.E. Williams, and MSL Science Team, 2014, Geologic framework for Aeolis Palus bedrock, and its relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars, Fall AGU 2014.
Morris, R.V., D.W. Ming, R. Gellert, D.T. Vaniman, D.L. Bish, D.F. Blake, S.J. Chipera, R.T. Downs, A.H. Treiman, A.S. Yen, C.N. Achilles, P.D. Archer, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, J.P. Grotzinger, P.R. Mahaffy, A.C. McAdam, J.M. Morookian, S.M. Morrison, E.B. Rampe, and the MSL Science Team, 2014, Chemical composition of crystalline, spectite, and amorphous components for Rocknest soil and John Klein and Cumberland mudstone drill fines using APXS, CheMin, and SAM datasets from Gale crater, Mars, abstract #1319, 45th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Rampe, E.B., R.V. Morris, D.L. Bish, D.T. Vaniman, T.F. Bristow, S.J. Chipera, D.F. Blake, D.W. Ming, J.D. Farmer, S.M. Morrison, A.H. Treiman, C.N. Achilles, J.A. Crisp, D.J. DesMarais, R.T. Downs, J.M. Morookian, P. Sarrazin, N. Spanovich, A.S. Yen, and MSL Science Team, 2014, Mineralogy of fluvio-lacustrine sediments investigated by Curiosity during the Prime Mission: Implications for diagenesis, Fall AGU 2014.
Rampe, E.B., R.V. Morris, D.W. Ming, P.D. Archer, D.L. Bish, S.J. Chipera, D.T. Vaniman, D.F. Blake, T.F. Bristow, B. Sutter, J.D. Farmer, R.T. Downs, R. Leveille, C.A. Achilles, J.A. Crisp, D.J. DesMarais, J.M. Morookian, S.M. Morrison, P.C. Sarrazin, N. Spanovich, A.H. Treiman, A.S. Yen, and the MSL Science Team, 2014, Characterizing the phyllosilicate component of the Sheepbed mudstone in Gale crater, Mars using laboratory XRD and EGA, abstract #1890, 45th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Vaniman, D.T., T.F. Bristow, D.L. Bish, D.W. Ming, D.F. Blake, R.V. Morris, E.B. Rampe, S.J. Chipera, A.H. Treiman, S.M. Morrison, C.N. Achilles, R.T. Downs, J.D. Farmer, J.A. Crisp, J.M. Morookian, D.J. Des Marais, J.P. Grotzinger, P. Sarrazin, and A.S. Yen, 2014, Mineralogy by X-ray diffraction on Mars: The CheMin instrument on Mars Science Laboratory, abstract #1499, 8th International Conf. on Mars.

Bish, D.L., D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, S.J. Chipera, P. Sarrazin, R.V. Morris, D.W. Ming, A.H. Treiman, R.T. Downs, C. Achilles, S. Morrison, A. Yen, T. Bristow, J. Morookian, J. Farmer, J. Crisp, E. Rampe, E. Stolper, D. Des Marais, N. Spanovich, R. Anderson, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, First X-ray diffraction results from Mars Science Laboratory: Mineralogy of Rocknest aeolian bedform at Gale crater, abstract #1111, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Blake, D.F., D.L. Bish, R.V. Morris, R.T. Downs, A.H. Treiman, S.M. Morrison, S.J. Chipera, D.W. Ming, A.S. Yen, D.T. Vaniman, J. Grotzinger, J.A. Crisp, C.N. Achilles, E.B. Rampe, T.F. Bristow, P.C. Sarrazin, J.D. Farmer, D.J. Des Marais, E.M. Stolper, J.M. Morookian, M.A. Wilson, N. Spanovich, R.C. Anderson, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, Mineralogy and elemental composition of wind drift soil at Rocknest, Gale crater, abstract #1289, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bristow, T., D. Blake, D.. Bish, D. Vaniman, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris S. Chipera, E.B. Rampe, J.D. Farmer, A.H. Treiman, R. Downs, S. Morrison, C. Achilles, D.J. Des Marais, J.A. Crisp, P. Sarrazin, J.M. Morookian, J.P. Grotzinger, and MSL Science Team, 2013, The first X-ray diffraction patterns of clay minerals from Gale Crater, Fall AGU 2013.
Crisp, J.A., J.P. Grotzinger, A.R. Vasavada, and MSL Science Team, 2013, Key findings from the first 360 sols of the Curiosity rover mission in Gale crater, Mars, Fall AGU 2013.
Grotzinger, J.P., D.F. Blake, J. Crisp, K.S. Edgett, R. Gellert, J. Gomez- Elvira, D. Hassler, P. Mahaffy, M.C. Malin, I. Mitrofanov, M. Meyer, A.R. Vasavada, R.C. Wiens, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, Mars Science Laboratory: First 100 sols of geologic and geochemical exploration from Bradbury landing to Glenelg, abstract #1259, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Grotzinger, J., D. Blake, J. Crisp, K. Edgett, R. Gellert, J. Gomez Elvira, D. Hassler, P. Mahaffy, M. Malin, I. Mitrofanov, M. Meyer, A. Vasavada, R. Wiens, and MSL Science Team, 2013, Mars Science Laboratory: Results from Bradbury Landing to Glenelg, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15:EGU2013-11735.
Morris, R.V., D.W. Ming, D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, D.L. Bish, S.J. Chipera, R.T. Downs, R. Gellert, A.H. Treiman, A.S. Yen, C.N. Achilles, R.C. Anderson, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, J.P. Grotzinger, L.A. Leshin, A.C. McAdam, J.M. Morookian, S.M. Morrison, E.B. Rampe, P.C. Sarrazin, N. Spanovich, E.M. Stolper, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, The amorphous component in martian basaltic soil in global perspective from MSL and MER missions, abstract #1653, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Morris, R.V., D.W. Ming, D. Blake, D. Vaniman, D.L. Bish, S. Chipera, R. Downs, S. Morrison, R. Gellert, I. Campbell, A.H. Treiman, C. Achilles, T. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, A. McAdam, P.D. Archer, B. Sutter, E.B. Rampe, and MSL Science Team, 2013, The XRD amorphous component in John Klein drill fines at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars, Fall AGU 2013.
Morrison, S.M., R.T. Downs, D.F. Blake, D.L. Bish, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, A.S. Yen, S.J. Chipera, A.H. Treiman, D.T. Vaniman, R. Gellert, C.N. Achilles, E.B. Rampe, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, P.C. Sarrazin, J.D. Farmer, D.J. Des Marais, E.M. Stolper, J.M. Morookian, M.A. Wilson, N. Spanovich, R.C. Anderson, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, Crystal-chemical analysis of soil at Rocknest, Gale crater, abstract #1831 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Rampe, E.B., D.L. Bish, S.J. Chipera, R.V. Morris, C.N. Achilles, D.W. Ming, D.F. Blake, R.C. Anderson, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, R.T. Downs, J.D. Farmer, J.M. Morookian, S.M. Morrison, P. Sarrazin, N. Spanovich, E.M. Stolper, A.H. Treiman, D.T. Vaniman, A.S. Yen, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, Detecting nanophase weathering products with CheMin: Relative intensity ratios of allophane, aluminosilicate gel, and ferrihydrite, abstract #1188, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Rampe, E.B., R.V. Morris, S. Chipera, D.L. Bish, T. Bristow, P.D. Archer, D. Blake, C. Achilles, D.W. Ming, D. Vaniman, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, R. Downs, J.D. Farmer, J.M. Morookian, S. Morrison, P. Sarrazin, N. Spanovich, A.H. Treiman, A.S. Yen, and MSL Science Team, 2013, Characterizing the phyllosilicates and amorphous phases found by MSL using laboratory XRD and EGA measurements of natural and synthetic materials, Fall AGU 2013.
Treiman, A.H., D.L. Bish, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, M.E. Schmidt, R.T. Downs, E.M. Stolper, D.F. Blake, D.T. Vaniman, C.N. Achilles, S.J. Chipera, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, J.D. Farmer, J.M. Morookian, S.M. Morrison, E.B. Rampe, P. Sarrazin, A.S. Yen, R.C. Anderson, D.J. Des Marais, and N. Spanovich, & the MSL team, 2013, Basaltic soil of Gale crater: Crystalline component compared to martian basalts and meteorites, abstract #1113, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Vaniman, D., D. Blake, T. Bristow, D. Des Marais, C. Achilles, R. Anderson, J. Crisp, J.M. Morookian, N. Spanovich, A. Vasavada, A. Yen, D. Bish, S. Chipera, R. Downs, S. Morrison, J. Farmer, J. Grotzinger, E. Stolper, D. Ming, R. Morris, E. Rampe, A. Treiman, P. Sarrazin, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, Data from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin XRD/XRF instrument, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15:EGU2013-6272.
Vaniman, D.T., D.F. Blake, J.M. Morookian, A.S. Yen, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, C.N. Achilles, D.L. Bish, S.J. Chipera, S.M. Morrison, R.T. Downs, E.B. Rampe, P.C. Sarrazin A.H. Treiman, R.C. Anderson, T.F. Bristow, J.A. Crisp, D.J. Des Marais, J.D. Farmer, N. Spanovich, E.M. Stolper, M.A. Wilson, and the MSL Science Team, 2013, CheMin instrument performance and calibration on Mars, abstract #1369, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Vasavada, A.R., D.F. Blake, J. Crisp, K.S. Edgett, R. Gellert, J. Gomez-Elvira, J.P. Grotzinger, D. Hassler, P. Mahaffy, M.C. Malin, I. Mitrofanov, M. Meyer, R.C. Wiens, J.N. Maki, and the Mars Science Laboratory Team, 2013, Mars Science Laboratory: First 100 sols monitoring the atmosphere and environment within Gale crater, abstract #1191, 44th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Vasavada, A.R., D. Blake, J.A. Crisp, K.S. Edgett, R. Gellert, J.P. Grotzinger, J. Gomez-Elvira, D.M. Hassler, P.R. Mahaffy, M.C. Malin, M.A. Meyer, I. Mitrofanov, R.C. Wiens, and the Mars Science Laboratory Science Team, 2013, The Mars Science Laboratory mission: Early results from Gale crater, The Present-Day Habitability of Mars conference at UCLA Feb 4-6, 2013.

Berger, J.A., P.L. King, T.S. Kunkel, M.N. Spilde, and J.A. Crisp, 2011, Thermal infrared spectroscopy of halite-coated glasses - An evaluation of continuous versus discontinuous coatings, 42nd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Blake, D.F., D. Vaniman, R. Anderson, D. Bish, S. Chipera, S. Chemtob, J. Crisp, D.J. DesMarais, R. Downs, J. Farmer, S. Feldman, M. Gailhanou, D. Ming, D. Morris, E. Stolper, P. Sarrazin, A. Treiman, and A. Yen, 2010, Test and delivery of the CheMin mineralogical instrument for Mars Science Laboratory, abstract #1898, 41st Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Blake, D.F., D. Vaniman, R. Anderson, D. Bish, S. Chipera, S. Chemtob, J. Crisp, D.J. DesMarais, R. Downs, J. Farmer, M. Gailhanou, D. Ming, D. Morris, E. Stolper, P. Sarrazin, A. Treiman, and A. Yen, 2009, The CheMin mineralogical instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory mission, abstract #1484, 40th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Crisp, J.A., J.P. Grotzinger, A.R. Vasavada, J.S. Karcz, and the MSL Science Team, 2008, Mars Science Laboratory: Science Overview, abstract #4016, Workshop on Ground Truth from Mars: Science Payoff from a Sample Return Mission, 21-23 April 2008, Albuquerque, NM.
Urgiles, E., J.Z. Wilcox, R. Toda, and J. Crisp, 2008, Progress in the development of the atmospheric electron-induced X-ray spectrometer (AEXS) instrument with high spatial resolution for surface elemental analysis of samples in planetary atmosphere, abstract #1118, 39th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Wiens, R.C., S. Clegg, J. Barefield II, D. Vaniman, N. Lanza, H. Newsom, K. Herkenhoff, N. Bridges, D. Blaney, S. Maurice, O. Gasnault, J. Blank, M.D. Dyar, R. Milliken, J. Grotzinger, J. Crisp, and the ChemCam and MSL teams, 2008, ChemCam remote analyses and imaging on the Mars Science Laboratory 2007 'slow motion' field test, abstract #1500, 39th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Crisp, J.A. and the MSL Science Team, 2007, Advanced instrument investigations on the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory, 7th IAA International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions, 12-14 September, 2007, Pasadena, CA.
Wilcox, J.Z., E. Urgiles, R. Toda, and J. Crisp, 2006, Atmospheric Electron-induced X-ray Spectrometer (AEXS) instrument development, abstract #2126, 37th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Wilcox, J.Z., E. Urgiles, R. Toda, and J. Crisp, 2006, Atmospheric Electron-induced X-ray Spectrometer (AEXS) development, paper #1399, IEEE Aerospace Conference, 4-11 March, 2006, Big Sky, WY, 11 pp.
Crisp, J.A., A.F.C. Haldemann, and the Athena Science Team, 2005, Mars Exploration Rover Science Results: This Past Year's Highlights, AIAA Space 2005, Long Beach, CA, doi:10.2514/6.2005-6743.
Golombek, M.P., R.E. Arvidson, J.F. Bell III, P.R. Christensen, J. Crisp, B.L. Ehlmann, R.L. Fergason, J.A. Grant, A.F.C. Haldemann, T.J. Parker, and S.W. Squyres, 2005, Athena Science Team Assessment of Mars Exploration Rover Landing Site Predictions, abstract #1542, 36th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Urgiles, E., J.Z. Wilcox, R. Toda, J. Crisp, and T. George, 2005, Atmospheric Electron-induced X-Ray Spectrometer (AEXS) Instrument Development, abstract #1438, 36th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Crisp, J.A., and the Athena Science Team, 2004, Mars Exploration Rover science, abstract # 57-OPS-A1573, 1st Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society.
Glaze, L.S., S.M. Baloga, P. Mouginis-Mark, and J. Crisp, 2004, A model for variable levee formation rates in an active lava flow, abstract #1036, 35th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Golombek, M., J. Grant, T. Parker, J. Crisp, S. Squyres, M. Carr, A. Haldemann, R. Arvidson, B. Ehlmann, J. Bell, P. Christensen, R. Fergason, S. Ruff, N. Cabrol, R. Kirk, J. Johnson, L. Soderblom, C. Weitz, M. Malin, J. Rice, R. Anderson, and the Athena Science Team, 2004, Preliminary assessment of Mars Exploration Rover landing site predictions, abstract #2185, 35th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Haldemann, A.F.C., J.A. Crisp, D.M. Kass, J.T. Schofield, S.W. Squyres, R.E. Arvidson, J.L. Callas, and the Athena Science Team, 2004, Mars Exploration Rover science operations during cruise, prime, and extended mission, AGU/CGU/SEG/EEGS 2004 Joint Assembly.
McSween, H., R. Arvidson, J. Bandfield, J. Bell, D. Blaney, W. Calvin, P. Christensen, B. Clark, J. Crisp, T. Economou, W. Farrand, A. Ghosh, K. Herkenhoff, J. Johnson, G. Klingelhöfer, S. McLennan, J. Moersch, R. Morris, R. Rieder, S. Ruff, C. Schroeder, P. Souza, S. Squyres, H. Wänke, M. Wyatt, J. Zipfel, and the Athena Science Team, 2004, Preliminary mineralogy and geochemistry results at the MER-A landing site in Gusev, abstract #2167, 35th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Golombek, M., J. Grant, T. Parker, D. Kass, J. Crisp, S. Squyres, M. Adler, A. Haldemann, M. Carr, R. Arvidson, C. Weitz, and R. Zurek, 2003, Mars Exploration Rover landing site selection, 6th International Conference on Mars, abstract #3222.
Golombek, M., J. Grant, T. Parker, D. Kass, J. Crisp, S. Squyres, M. Carr, M. Adler, R. Zurek, A. Haldemann, R. Arvidson, and C. Weitz, 2003, Selection of the final four landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers, abstract #1754, 34th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
White, S.M., F.J. Spera, and J.A. Crisp, 2003, Long-term rates of mafic magma emplacement and implications for heat advection, Fall AGU 2003.
Baloga, S.M., L.S. Glaze, and J.A. Crisp, 2002, Channelized lava flows with density changes during emplacement, abstract #1158, 33rd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Erickson, J., M. Adler, J. Crisp, A. Mishkin, and R. Welch, 2002, Mars Exploration Rover surface operations, International Astronautical Federation, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2nd World Space Congress, 10-19 October, 2002, Houston, TX, paper IAC-02-Q.3.1.03, 20 pp.
Golombek, M., J. Grant, T. Parker, J. Crisp, S. Squyres, R. Arvidson, and M. Carr, 2002, Selection and evaluation of landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers, Fall AGU 2002.
Golombek, M., J. Grant, T. Parker, J. Crisp, M. Adler, S. Squyres, R. Arvidson, M. Carr, and C. Weitz, 2002, Top Landing Sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers, International Workshop - Exploring Mars Surface and its Earth Analogs, Cannizzaro, Italy, Sept. 23-25, 2002.
Golombek, M., J. Grant, T. Parker, T. Schofield, D. Kass, P. Knocke, R. Roncoli, N. Bridges, S. Anderson, J. Crisp, A. Haldemann, M. Adler, W. Lee, S. Squyres, R. Arvidson, M. Carr, and C. Weitz, 2002, Downselection of landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers, abstract #1245, 33rd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Golombek, M., T. Parker, T. Schofield, D. Kass, J. Crisp, A. Haldemann, P. Knocke, R. Roncoli, W. Lee, M. Adler, N. Bridges, S. Anderson, J. Grant, and S. Squyres, 2001, Preliminary engineering constraints and potential landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers, abstract #1234, 32nd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bridges, N.T., J.A. Crisp, and J.F. Bell III, 2000, The Mars Pathfinder APXS sites: New insights from improved IMP calibration and image analysis, abstract #1740, 31st Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Golombek, M., J. Crisp, M. Adler, and R. Manning, 2000, Preliminary evaluation of engineering constraints of Mars Sample Return landing sites, abstract #1292, 31st Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Morris, R.V., T. Graff, M.D. Lane, D.C. Golden, C.S. Schwandt, T.D. Shelfer, D.W. Ming, S.A. Mertzman, J.F. Bell III, J. Crisp, and P.R. Christensen, 2000, Acid sulfate alteration products of a tholeiitic basalt: Implications for interpretation of martian thermal emission spectra, abstract #2014, 31st Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Peitersen, M.N., S.M. Baloga, L.S. Glaze, and J.A. Crisp, 2000, The influence of degassing on the emplacement of lava flows: Implications for planetary modeling studies, abstract #1063, 31st Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bridges, N.T. and J.A. Crisp, 1999, Constraints on martian soil composition as inferred from Viking XRFS and Pathfinder APXS and IMP data, abstract #1927, 30th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bell, J.F. III, R.C. Anderson, J.L. Bishop, N.T. Bridges, D.T. Britt, J.A. Crisp, T. Economou, A. Ghosh, J.P. Greenwood, H.P. Gunnlaugsson, R.B. Hargraves, K. Herkenhoff, S.F. Hviid, J.R. Johnson, J.M. Knudsen, M.B. Madsen, H.Y. McSween Jr., R.V. Morris, S.L. Murchie, and R.J. Reid, 1998, Mineralogy, composition, and origin of soil and dust at the Mars Pathfinder landing site, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bridges, N.T., J.F. Bell, III, J.A. Crisp, T. Economou, J.R. Johnson, S.L. Murchie, and R.J. Reid, 1998, Comparison between APXS and IMP multispectral data at the Pathifnder landing site: Evidence for dust coatings on rock surfaces, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Britt, D.T., R. Anderson, J.F. Bell, III, J. Crisp, T. Economou, K.E. Herkenhoff, M.B. Madsen, H.Y. McSween, S. Murchie, R. Reid, R. Rieder, R.B. Singer, and L. Soderblom, 1998, The mineralogy of the Mars Pathfinder landing site, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Crisp, J.A., 1998, The effect of thin coatings of dust or soil on the bulk APXS composition of the underlying rocks at the Pathfinder landing site, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Economou, T.E., R. Rieder, H. Wänke, A. Turkevich, J. Brückner, G. Dreibus, J. Crisp, and H. McSween Jr., 1998, The chemical composition of martian rocks and soil: Preliminary analyses, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
McSween, H.Y., Jr., A. Ghosh, J.A. Crisp, and S.L. Murchie, 1998, Origin of rocks and soils in Ares Valles, based on Mars Pathfinder APXS and multispectral data, 1998 Geol. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting.
Moore, H.J., T.J. Parker, J. Crisp, M.P. Golombek, D. Bickler, H. Eisen, J. Gensler, A. Haldemann, J.R. Matijevic, and L. Reid, 1998, Origin of soil-like deposits at the Mars Pathfinder landing site, Mars, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Moore, H.J., J. Crisp, T.W. Thompson, and E.A. Guinness, 1998, Viking, Pathfinder, and Mars, Fall AGU 1998.
Murchie, S., J. Johnson, H. McSween, N. Bridges, R. Anderson, D. Britt, J.F. Bell III, and J. Crisp, 1998, Spectral properties of rocks at the Mars Pathfinder landing site, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Parker, T.J., H.J. Moore, J.A. Crisp, and M.P. Golombek, 1998, Petrogenetic interpretations of rock textures at the Pathfinder landing site, 29th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
Bell, J.F., J. Johnson, L. Soderblom, D. Britt, R. Reid, R. Singer, P. Smith, S. Murchie, S. Hviid, R. Anderson, N. Bridges, J. Crisp, and K. Herkenhoff, 1997, Mineralogy and diversity of soils at the Mars Pathfinder landing site, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), Fall Meet. Suppl.: F396.
Bridges, N.T., R.C. Anderson, J.A. Crisp, T. Economou, and R. Reid, 1997, Separating dust and rock APXS measurements based on multispectral data at the Pathfinder landing site, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.: F402.
Britt, D.T., P. Smith, R. Anderson, J.F. Bell III, J. Crisp, T. Economou, K.E. Herkenhoff, M.B. Madsen, H.Y. McSween, S. Murchie, R. Reid, R. Rieder, R.B. Singer, and J. Johnson, 1997, The mineralogy of the Mars Pathfinder landing site, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.: F395.
Brown, L.R., J.A. Crisp, D. Crisp, O.V. Naumenko, M.A. Smirnov, and L.N. Sinitsa, 1997, First hexad of interacting states of H2S molecule, L.N. Sinitsa, editor, SPIE 12th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 3090: 111-113.
Brown, L.R., J.A. Crisp, D. Crisp, A. Perrin, O.V. Naumenko, M.A. Smirnov, and L.N. Sinitsa, 1997, High-resolution Fourier transform spectrum of H2S in the 2150 - 4260 cm-1 region, L.N. Sinitsa, editor, SPIE 12th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 3090:108-110.
Crisp, J., T.E. Litwin, J.J. Lorre, D.A. Alexander, A.J. Runkle, T.J. Parker, and H.J. Moore, 1997, Pathfinder rover cameras: resolution, stereometry, and geology, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.: F403.
Economou, T., A. Turkevich, R. Rieder, H. Wänke, J. Brückner, G. Dreibus, and J. Crisp, 1997, The elemental composition of Martian soil and rocks returned by the Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer: Preliminary results from the X- ray mode, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.: F396.
Glaze, L.S., S.M. Baloga, S.A. Stockman, and J.A. Crisp, 1997, Simulations of Puu Oo lava flows on Mars, abstract #1613, 28th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 425-426.
McSween, H. Jr., J. Greenwood, A. Ghosh, T. Economou, R. Rieder, H. Wänke, J. Brückner, and J. Crisp, 1997, Mineralogic-petrologic interpretation of Mars Pathfinder APXS results, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.: F396.
Moore, H.J., J. Crisp, J. Matijevic, D. Bickler, H. Eisen, A. Haldemann, K. Jewett, D. Ferguson, J. Kolecki, D. Wilt, and J. Gensler, 1997, Properties of the surface material, Ares Vallis, Mars, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.: F396.
Moore, H.J., J. Crisp, A.F.C. Haldemann, and E. Wellman, 1997, Field observations by the Pathfinder rover on Mars, Geol. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 29, No.6, October, 1997.
Murchie, S., R. Anderson, J. Crisp, K. Herkenhoff, J. Bell, D. Britt, R. Reid, R. Singer, P. Smith, T. Economou, J. Johnson, L. Soderblom, S. Hviid, M. Madsen, H. McSween, R. Rieder, and N. Thomas, 1997, Spectral properties and classes of rocks at the Mars Pathfinder landing site, Eos Trans. AGU, 78(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl..
Sakimoto, S.E.H., S. Baloga, and J. Crisp, 1997, Viscosity and flow rate constraints for tube-fed planetary lava flows, 28th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 1231-1232.
Sakimoto, S., S. Baloga, and J. Crisp, 1996, Three-dimensional modelling of leveed lava flows, 27th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 1125-1126.
Treiman, A., M. Norman, D. Mittlefehldt, and J. Crisp, 1996, "Nakhlites" on Earth: Chemistry of clinopyroxenites from Theo's flow, Ontario, Canada, 27th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 1341-1342.
Bykov, A.D., O.V. Naumenko, M.A. Smirnov, L.N. Sinitsa, A. Perrin, J. Crisp, D. Crisp, and L.R. Brown, 1995, Spectroscopic parameters of H2S polyads between 3400 and 8000 cm-1, 50th Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Ohio State Univ, Columbus, OH.
Crisp, J., S.E.H. Sakimoto, and S.M. Baloga, 1995, Lava tube pressure and gravity driving forces: Constraints on tube lengths, flow rates, and surface breakout locations, Eos Trans. AGU, 76(46), AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.: F667.
Wang, X. and J. Crisp, 1995, A micro-spectrometer based on an integrated acousto-optic tunable filter, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon '95).
Wang, X., H. Zhang, J. Soos, and J. Crisp, 1994, A wallet-size NIR spectrometer based on a light emitting diode array and a miniature acousto-optic tunable filter, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon '94).
Brown, L.R., A. Bykov, D. Crisp, J. Crisp, O. Naumenko, and L. Sinitsa, 1993, The infrared spectrum of the H2S hexade at 2 microns, Third Biennial HITRAN conference, Hanscom AFB, MA, June 10-11.
Crisp, J. and K.V. Cashman, 1993, Crystallization history of the 1984 Mauna Loa lava flow, Eos Trans. AGU, 74: 629.
Gerstell, M., J. Crisp, and D. Crisp, 1993, Radiative forcing of the stratosphere by SO2, ash, and H2SO4 aerosols during the first 3 months after the El Chichon eruption, Eos Trans. AGU, 74: 105.
Wang, X., H. Zhang, J. Soos, and J. Crisp, 1993, A pocket size, solid-state NIR spectrometer for space missions with small rovers, Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ, November 15-19.
Baloga, S.M., A.L. Lane, J.A. Crisp, and L.S. Glaze, 1992, Validation of volcanic plume models, AGU Chapman Conference on Climate, Volcanism, and Global Change, p. 21.
Crisp, J. and S. Baloga, 1992, The influence of crystallization and entrainment on the emplacement of lava flows, 23rd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 265-266.
Crisp, J.A., and D. Crisp, 1992, Simulation of EOS satellite observations of sulfur plumes at thermal-infrared wavelengths, AGU Chapman Conference on Climate, Volcanism, and Global Change, p. 21.
Plescia, J.B. and J. Crisp, 1992, Recent Elysium volcanism-Effects on the martian atmosphere. In: Workshop on the Martian Surface and Atmosphere Through Time, LPI Tech. Report 92-02, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, pp. 115-116.
Realmuto, V.J., J.A. Crisp, M.J. Abrams, and D.C. Pieri, 1992, Estimation of SO2 column abundances at Mount Etna using multispectral thermal infrared remote sensing, AGU Chapman Conference on Climate, Volcanism, and Global Change, p. 23.
Crisp, J., 1991, Crystallization during emplacement of lava flows, Reports of Planetary Geology Program-1990, NASA TM 4300: 165-166.
Crisp, J.A. and S.M. Baloga, 1991, Thermal processes in lava flows, 22nd Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 257-258.
Baloga, S., Crisp, J., Plescia, J. and Lopes, R., 1990, Time and space dependent two-component thermal model for lava flows, Reports of Planetary Geology Program-1989, NASA TM 4210: 416-418.
Crisp, J., 1990, Constraints on eruption rates and cooling of three lava flows at Alba. In: MEVTV Workshop on the Evolution of Magma Bodies on Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, pp. 10-11.
Crisp, J., D. Crisp, and V.J. Realmuto, 1990, Modeling the directional emittance and reflectance from rough geologic surfaces, Eos Trans. AGU, 71: 1698.
Kahle, A.B., E. Abbott, M.J. Abrams, J. Crisp, and V. Realmuto, 1990, Use of multispectral remotely sensed infrared data (abstract), Fifth Australasian Remote Sensing Conference, Perth, Western Australia, October 8-12, 1990.
Baloga, S. and J. Crisp, 1989, Gravitational scaling of Kilauea eruptions, 20th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 38-39.
Crisp, J. and S. Baloga, 1989, Methods for estimating eruption rates of planetary lava flows, Reports of Planetary Geology Program-1988, NASA TM 4130: 390-392.
Crisp, J. and S. Baloga, 1989, Estimating eruption rates of planetary lava flows, 20th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 199-200.
Crisp, J. and M.J. Bartholomew, 1989, Mid-infrared spectroscopy of palagonite, 20th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.: 201-202.
Baloga, S.M. and J.A. Crisp, 1988, A new model for leveed flows on Mars, Reports of Planetary Geology Program-1987, NASA TM 4041: 340-342.
Baloga, S. and J. Crisp, 1988, Simulations of lava flows on Mars. In: MEVTV Workshop on The Volcanic Evolution of Mars, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, p 27-29.
Bartholomew, M.J. and J.A. Crisp, 1987, Influence of thin layers of palagonite on the thermal infrared reflectance spectrum (7 to 20 micrometers) of quartzite and basalt, Eos Trans. AGU, 68: 1341.
Cousens, B.L., F.J. Spera, G.R. Tilton, and J. Crisp, 1986, Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic study of the Mogan and Fataga formations, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Eos Trans. AGU 67(44), Fall Meet. Suppl.: 1272.
Crisp, J.A., 1984, Pyroclastic flow E/ET of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Eos Trans. AGU, 65(45): 1142.
Hollister, L.S., J.A. Crisp, C.G. Kulick, W. Maze, and V.B. Sisson, 1984, Quantitative energy dispersive analysis of rock-forming silicates, Proc. 19th Ann. Microbeam Analysis Soc. Meeting, July, 1984, San Francisco Press, pp 143-144.
Crisp, J.A., 1983, Ash flows and lava flows of the Mogan formation, Gran Canaria: Trace element trends and intensive variables, Eos Trans. AGU, 64: 883.
Crisp, J.A., 1982, Volume rates of eruption and intrusion for a wide variety of igneous activity, Geol. Soc. Am. Prog. Abstr., 14: 469.
Miller (Crisp), J.A. and F.J.Spera, 1981, Correlations between ash-flow eruption volume, caldera area and eruption periodicity, Eos Trans. AGU, 62: 433.
Miller (Crisp), J.A. and S.P. Nagel, 1979, Precambrian geologic history of an area near Salida, Colorado, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. with Programs, 11(5): 236.

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